Healing hands providing compassionate service. Currently at: Sorensen Chiropractic in Sequim at 532 N 5th Avenue Sequim, WA 98382 Call to Schedule (360) 683-7911



tongue   Tongue-english-31

The organs, metabolism, mental clarity, energy, and blood quality are represented in and on the tongue.


A normal, healthy tongue has four qualities:

  • The color is a lustrous, healthy pink, not too red, purple, red, pale, etc.
  • The coat is very thin and white. It covers the entire top surface.
  • The size is average, and appears proportional to the mouth size.
  • The shape is smooth without bumps, cracks, toothmarks, depressions, swelling, etc.









Any deviation from the ideal tongue description indicates corresponding imbalance exist in your body.



Qi moves through each of the 12 primary organs and is detectable at 12+ specific positions on the radial artery, at the wrist. There are dozens of factors to consider when reading the pulse.


The function and strength of each organ is evaluated by the relative depth, quality, and strength of the blood flow, and tonicity of the vessel in those specific positions. The herbalist/acupuncturist will place his/her fingers over the pulse on both of your wrists.

A normal, healthy pulse has moderate speed and strength and feels viscus like blood.

  • It is not too fast or slow.
  • It is not excessive, pushing the fingers off the pulse, or deficient, deep, thin and/or difficult to detect/feel.
  • Most importantly, the pulse does not have a quality other than that of blood.

Normal and healthy blood is viscous; it’s thicker than water, but not as thick as motor oil. According to Oriental Medicine, there are dozens of qualities attributed to the pulse. One is normal, and 27 indicate imbalance.




The ear is a a microsystem, providing a model of the entire body, and insights into its functioning. Useful clues to specific imbalances may be derived from the color, texture, shape and size of specific areas and locations on the outside of the ear/auricle.


When short acupuncture needles, pellets, or magnets are inserted into these points, the corresponding areas can be affected to regulate corresponding organs, systems, muscles/bones/connective tissues, hormones, and nerves.

Auricular acupuncture is a ‘Stand Alone’ treatment, many practitioners focus solely on the ear. It is often the preferred method of treatment for emotional trauma, including – post-traumatic stress disorder from various causes. Auricular acupuncture, including the simple, well known 5-point protocol utilized exclusively by National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA), has provided relief to 1st responders and those affected by emergencies and disasters throughout the world.



The hand, like the ear, is a microsystem, providing a model of the entire body.


There are various models, many appear to have credit. I prefer using an integrated model that integrates what I’ve learned from Master Tung style, KHT (Korean Hand Therapy), taught by Dan Lobash, Ph.D., L.Ac.. Both are Korean styles. Observation and palpation are employed to diagnose and treat various conditions in the body.

Exceptionally tender areas and point indicate dysfunction, as does discoloration. For example: Red indicates heat, inflammation  & excess, while blue suggests cold, reduced circulation & deficiency.

Sometimes I’ll use small magnets or pellets, applied to regulate corresponding areas of the body. It’s easy to learn hand acupressure/reflexology in teaching settings because we can be aware of them every day. Points on the hand can be easily be stimulated almost any time and in any setting.